I was recently discussing this subject with a girlfriend of mine after she confessed to having driven to Starbucks while still wearing her pajama's! I told her "they'd arrest me if I arrived in my pj's!!" She laughed, but it's true. I learned a few years ago the importance of wearing sexy pj's to bed ...
- Dish du Jour -
"A true story that I first shared with my friends on 2/9/07,
under the blissful influence of pain meds... "
"Yes, it is true. I smashed my shoulder in 4 places..it's my left shoulder. I am now on week 5 and finally able to say that, at best, I have minimal range of motion--which I am thrilled to have because since my accident, my left arm was showing
no signs of life and let us not forget that I am a "lefty"!
Imagine not being able to style your hair; having to pull your pants up with one hand; to be forced to wear very loose, stretchy tops(so they can be pulled up from your legs cuz you can't pull 'em over your head); no bras; can't drive while on meds, etc...etc...This week I feel a bit liberated because I am driving and I can now pull loose tops over my head! Still can't blow-dry my hair but I'm getting better at wearing it curly.
How this unfortunate event occurred is not sexy or exciting. To the contrary, it is sadly a poignant story indicative of a single woman, with no outside social life! HA!!
So there I was... walking my sweet, little puppy, Sadie, into the doggie boutique to be fitted for a fancy collar when all of a sudden, my darling puppy got spooked by a much larger, intimidating and drooling, boy-dog. She raced back to me for protection from the beast, ran around my legs and effectively wrapped me up tight with her leash, and then... jerked the opposite direction causing me to fall like a weak tree!
Because I didn't want to fall on my baby, I arched to the left and fell smack onto my left shoulder! Crunch, crunch, crunch...is all I remember hearing, but ooooh the words I do remember thinking....Dang!! That was excruciating pain like nothing I've ever experienced before. Child birth pales in comparison and remember that I had 13 hours of back-labor, ending in a C-section!!
I gathered my breath for about 30 minutes, assembled some form of composure and then decided to drive home. DUMB CHOICE!! I don't recommend doing such a thing...but alas, I was in shock! My mom met me at my house and we proceeded to the hospital, where the x-ray technician confirmed my suspicions with these oh so eloquent words, "Wow, you really smashed your shoulder!"
So there I was, or rather have been, broken shoulder and all. Unable to work for the past 4 weeks and when...BAM! I have another bout of unanticipated excitement. Oh ya, my body decided to rebel against the narcotics that I'd been prescribed. I began throwing up violently. I wasn't able to stop the vomiting and so I began to hyperventilate. As if puking and hyperventilating weren't bad enough, to make matters worse, my limbs went numb and I couldn't freaking move. Very exciting stuff I know, but wait--it gets better!
There I was, partially clad in an over sized t-shirt (probably a souvenir from some male caller), on my bed, unable to move when the Fire Department arrives. The firemen were talking to me through my bedroom window because of course my front door was locked and I couldn't get to the door, to unlock it!! I was bracing for the crash of firemen rushing/crashing through the front door,when thankfully my parents arrived to unlock the door!!!
What a vision....not at all looking sexy; smelling of puke, hyperventilating and paralyzed, but yet I knew that I had 4, hunky firemen hovering over me!!! I mean come on! That is every girls dream...a fantasy come true to have 4 firemen in her bedroom! Way too much drama, excitement and public exposure for this vain chicks liking... all in an old, worn out t-shirt! Good God!
Suffice it to say that since that day, even in my impaired condition, I have purchased 3 new, very sexy pj's and
NEVER go to bed without checking my "look" in the mirror-- just in case "Round 2" might occur and those gorgeous, "hunk-a-hunk", strong and sexy firemen come back into
MY bedroom!!"
C'est la vie!