Oh mon Dieu! I found a house that I would love to call home! How I would love to be able to relocate and become one happy Americaine en France!
◆ FRANCE HOUSE HUNT - 3 bedroom cottage in St Christoly Medoc, South-West France. Property/real estate for sale in Aquitaine, 33 Gironde, France
This blog was originally created for confident, self-assured, fun-loving women. However, I'm pleased to report that it's since been adopted by many an igognito man. Ooh la la! is not designed to malign or offend. Au contraire mes amis... my desire is to share experiences with others of like mind and spirit. C'est le bonheur!
Francophile humor...
You might be a Francophile if....
"you slip out of speaking English-- into French,
without even realizing that you did this,
but... the only clue is that the person you are
talking to looks at you-- as if you are insane!!!"
Oui, il est vrai,parce que c'est mon histoire!
"you slip out of speaking English-- into French,
without even realizing that you did this,
but... the only clue is that the person you are
talking to looks at you-- as if you are insane!!!"
Oui, il est vrai,parce que c'est mon histoire!
If anyone has personal knowledge of this region of SW France, please share your experiences with me. Merci!