Francophile humor...

You might be a Francophile if....

"you slip out of speaking English-- into French,

without even realizing that you did this,

but... the only clue is that the person you are

talking to looks at you-- as if you are insane!!!"

Oui, il est vrai,parce que c'est mon histoire!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pearls of Wisdom...

 Courtesy of a "Fabulously 40" Club Member...
this pearl of wisdom

Be very careful if you make a woman cry,
 because God counts her tears.
 The woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walked on,
 not from his head to be superior,
 but from his side to be equal!
Under the arm to be protected,
 next to the heart to be loved.


  1. I heard this one before and absolutely loved it. Thanks for posting it and reminding us.

  2. Love this one. Haven't heard it before. Resonates with me completely.
